9: Original Art & Art Making Skills

Recently I have been focusing on developing certain styles for my pots. Right now I am working on a pot that will have features similar to my previous works, yet will include something new- negative space. I think that while it is important for your artwork to be unique to you and have a style, it is important to introduce something new, not only to see if it works for you, but to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

I decided to try negative space out for myself after I saw a video of a guy poking diamonds out of a pot. I thought it looked cool and decided I would try to mimic it in my piece, though I’d start small and try it on the lid rather than the pot itself. I think I did an okay job at it, I’ll have to clean and sharpen the lines after I finish writing, and mine is not nearly as visually pleasing as the other guy’s, but that’s okay. I’ll get there.