Post 3: Artists Plan/Art Making Skills


For my next project, I plan to make a pinch pot. I will be carving designs into the pot, and possibly adding embellishments by scoring the clay and using slip to stick it to the vessel. Anything that isn’t carved into will be smoothed using either a rubber rib or a metal scraper, along with slip to fill the cracks. Another idea I considered is coiling, though I decided against it because I find pinching to be easier.

I didn’t even know coiling was a method of constructing a vessel until the other day. I was a bit confused at first- I thought the coils were all one giant coil, and I was having quite a bit of trouble with it. I then found out that you wrap the coil around it once, then cut it, and add another short coil. I improved after my second attempt at coiling, the picture above being my third and final attempt. I definitely improved, though I will admit that I should have taken more time to smooth the coils.


Second photo:

Third photo:

2 thoughts on “Post 3: Artists Plan/Art Making Skills

  1. I admired how you said that you had attempted the coil method. That got me thinking about did you score your coil?

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