Post 6: Plan/Reflect


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For my project, I’m doing a slab lantern. I chose this project because it’s something that’s never been assigned before. There were many ways I had to plan for this project. I made sketches, a moquette, and stencils to cut out the slabs. The moquette was easy; I took a small amount of clay and molded it into a square, carved a simplified version of my design into the clay, scooped a bit of clay out from the center, and molded a square top. For the stencils I had to take poster board and a ruler, measure and line the poster board, and then cut out the shapes.

In my notebook I had to write about reflection. Artists are constantly learning new things, and these new things can be applied to their art in many ways, so it’s easy to make a mistake. Luckily, it is very easy to learn from your mistakes and apply it to your work. Reflection is critical in all types of art, so artists can note what they did wrong and can find out how to avoid it or solve the problem.

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